Thursday, April 19, 2012

Holy Saturday get down:

Hello every1 a lot has happened :)

Last month went for a check up to see the doctor. Turns out the heart needed some up grades. Following day open heart surgey. After that a weeks worth in the hospital while nurses and doctors came to visit me. Literary poking me with needles and feeling uncomfortable and useless. Sometimes I just wanted my spirit to run out screaming then hitting the bars for some drinks. Not just yet, sigh :( But on the 10th was let out early and coming home, YAY I guess? Sleeping and going to the bathroom was another ordeal. What a nightmare! In the end, "Medstar Washington Hospital" Thank YOU so much...

Other details, I think yaw get the picture. Medstar Nurses, Phyiscal Therapist and Occupational Therapist THANK YOU. :)

Certain things are still swollen and moving around my place is getting better. But I have too say my labortory of meds is jaw dropping. I've lost track what does what???  o_O  1/2 the times I feel bad and I try not to get into the deep end. Talking to some folks and having a loving family is priceless.

Because I'm young and full of will to move forward in life, which is the only way to go REALLY!

Decided to attend "The International Pillow Fight" which this falls in April 7th 2012... Yes people Saturday.. Look don't judge me! Anyways the meeting was National Mall near the Smithsonian Institution Building, which some people call it "The Castle" around 1:00pm

I've got to say it was so much FUN, did I hurt myself of course but it was worth it. I even mentioned it to some few friends. 2bad for them work was in the way, oh-well. My sister and I went along with her engineering pal. He didn't really participated other then taking pictures and getting wacked in the head all around... Hahahaha, it was a great turn out I say a mixture of ages and the tourists got 2see locals act completely silly. Some pillow groupies had their own teams like: the capitals, the terps, etc.
We took pictures of the precrowd gathering, pillow wars and pillow guts.  And Pillow injurgies from some people. The best part was that 2meatballs (meaning sister and I ) took out 2 towers! And I took out One tower by myself. Not to shabby, hehehe...
After that we headed out to "The Cherry Blossom Festival" where we tried out some meals on wheels like: "Fojol bros. Of Merlindia A Traveling Culinary Carnival" Indian Food yummie... "SidewalksweetStations" Cup-Pies, CupCakes and CupTails this was worth the $5.00 and the long line... "TaKorean" Korean BBQ Tacos not bad. Not to mention this was all free to get in. It was worth the sun burn on my face and sore arms and painkillers for my heart and anything else that was in pain. All in all got a free bag from Safeway, bought some good foods, was able to get a beeded home made purse from "booda boutique" that was really worth it :)
Look I'm a sucker for bags and arts and crafts, can't help it!

Looking forward in getting better and attending the "USA Science Engineering Festival" for the 28th and 29th... I'll let you know... Mean Time Ciao ;)